Chapati (Again)

 Chapati is my family's specialty.... since small we savour this very much. My mother's chapati is the best and through practices mine is quite close to her quality. Inherently, my children and hubby like it too and I always have stock of atta flour at home. Good quality and tasty chapati should remain soft even when kept whole day in room temperature. Homemade is the best as it is less oily and guaranteed healthier.

I previously shared the recipe here but repeating herewith for ease of reference.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Yield 8 pieces
500g Atta Flour (Indian wholemeal flour)
Warm Water + salt + sugar 

1. Mix liquid into flour until dough is formed & knead lightly.
2. Divide into 8 balls & brush with oil.
Rest them for about 10 minutes, then roll it into thin circle.
3. Cook on a hot griddle, flipping frequently until cooked.
4. Spread with butter/ghee once cooked.

5. Serve with dhal & sambal or your preferred dish.

Capati ni makanan kebiasaan keluarga Along dari kecil lagi. Emak Along memang pandai buat capati & roti canai. Roti nya lembut walau pun simpan seharian. Anak2 & hubby pun gemar makan capati yg Along buat. Makan capati amat mengenyangkan sebab penggunaan tepung atta. Selain dari tu ia nya amat sihat kerana tepung atta bersirat dan tanpa penggunaan peluntur seperti lazimnya tepung gandum biasa.

Resepi ada di sini tapi Along tayang sekali lagi sebab mood tengah rajin nak update blog....hehe.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Hasil: 8 keping
500g Tepung Atta
Air Suam + garam + gula

1. Tuangkan air ke dalam tepung sehingga menjadi doh yg lembut.
Uli sebentar, bahagi kepada 8 ketul & lumur dgn minyak. 
Perapkan lebih kurang 10 minit.
2. Canai setiap ketul menjadi bentuk bulat yang nipis.
3. Masak atas kuali leper yg panas, balik2an sehingga masak.
4. Sapukan majerin/minyak sapi apabila masak.
5. Hidangkan dgn kuah dhal & sambal sardin atau lauk kegemaran anda.

Tag : Asian, Food
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