Kuah Dhal (Plain Dhal Curry)

 I like this simple plain dhal curry very much.... typically made by mamak and sold with Roti Canai (Malay Paratha). My mother and I used to make this everyday for so many years when we sold Roti Canai during my old school time.... Time flies but those memory lane is still fresh in my mind.... I am successful today because of the hard effort when were poor... alhamdulillah, the income from the roti canai sales paid my school fees without having to borrow or beg money from anyone in my life. Because of the difficult life, I put serious effort in my studies with strong determination to be successful. Indeed it worked out & I was offered government scholarship to study overseas after my SPM. All those remind me not to feel proud but always thankful what I have achieved today and also help other people in need.

By: Roz@HomeKreation
Source/ Inspired by: KakAnim (from Erna)
My recipe & KakAnim's quite similar but simpler method and used peeled green beans
1/2 cup peeled Green Beans / Small Dhal Beans
2 Shallots*
1 clove Garlic*
1 cm Ginger*
4 Dried Chilies* (* sliced) 
1 tsp Funegerik
1 sprig Curry Leaves
1 tsp Turmeric Powder

1. Wash & boil green bean with 1 cup water, salt, turmeric powder until soften.
Adjust water to preferred consistency.
2. Heat few tbsp oil & stir-fry sliced ingredients*, funegerik, curry leaves until fragrant.
3. Pour the oil & fried ingredients into boiled dhal & cooked until well mixed.
4.  Serve with chapati / pratha.

Kuah Dhal kesukaan Along makan dengan roti canai... Kuah Dhal ni juga penuh dengan sejarah hidup yang tak dapat di lupakan..... Bila ternampak KakAnim tayang kat blog dia baru2 ni, terus jer Along buat sebab rindu pula lama dah tak buat.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
Source/ Inspired by: KakAnim (KakAnim ambil dari Erna)
Resipi Along & KakAnim tak jauh beza cuma Along guna kacang hijau
1/2 cwn Kacang Dhal Halus / Kacang Hijau tanpa kulit
2 ulas Bwg Merah*
1 ulas Bwg Putih*
1 cm Halia*
4 tangkai Cili Kering* (* hiris) 
1 st Halba Campur
1 tangkai Daun Kari
1 st Serbuk Kunyit

1. Basuh & rebus kacang dhal dgn 1 cwn air, garam & serbuk kunyit sehingga empuk.
Tambah air jika perlu mengikut kepekatan yg di kehendakki.
2. Panaskan sedikit minyak & tumis bhn2 yg di hiris*, halba & daun kari sehingga garing.
3. Tuangkan bhn2 yg di goreng bersama minyak nya ke dlm periuk kacang dhal tadi.
Masak sehingga sebati rasa.
4. Hidangkan dgn sambal & roti canai/capati.

Tag : Asian, Food
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