32 recipes, shrimp paste, shrimp paste chili sauce recipe is coming.


Hello friends, everyone on this day, there are good recipes, Chef Chan. like ever! Today's recipe is a namphrik belonging to category recipe menu pairs of ancient Thai people we have been upon the traditional recipe recipes all over the world agree that a healthy recipe and complete nutrition regardless of whether it is a Tom yum soup recipe makes a different kind of recipe royalty. South East quarter of recipes recipes Nice recipe, I took the whole of Thai; I have no fixed foreigners make up his slate. Many Thai people really don't have to worry about it.

Today's recipe is a recipe for making sweet cha.

Raw materials are as follows:

Paprika plantation

Remove the shrimp paste, I brands wherever preference.



Sugar Tin

Fresh lemon

Fish sauce

Finally, she boiled water

How to make a shrimp paste chili sauce recipe!

Take paprika, garlic, shrimp paste, fill again pounded sugar Tin. Fish sauce, lime juice, salt, boiling water, cooked down to our little extra ingredients (! Take slice thinly just before shift) as tasting like it! Who likes to eat any flavor filling flavor, I added to the ready service fakha with fried fish or Cha-OM omelette and fresh vegetables, diet and nutrition. .

See, right now, our traditional recipes and look at the top right. The restaurant recipes, Chef Chan bring drop friends today, Chef Chan hopes that the various recipes that chef Chan has written to be useful for anyone. Many people would like to eat food with your family, or to take any recipe in this blog is to apply its own menu, Chef Chan I am glad that friends who had read the recipe that chef Chan says it is happy with the food. .

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