Ketam Telur Masin (Chili Crabs with Salted Eggs)

 Delicious dish for dinner tonite....

By: Roz@HomeKreation
~500g Crabs
1 Lemongrass
1/2 Big Onion - sliced 
15-20 Dried Chilies*
1/2 Big Onion*
1 cm Ginger*
2-3 cloves Garlic* (* blend finely with some water) 
4 tbsp Tomato Sauce
2-3 tbsp Chili Sauce
2 tsp Sugar
1 tsp Cornflour (+ few tbsp water) 
2 Salted Eggs
1 Tomato - sliced 

1. Heat up few tbsp oil and stir-fry sliced onion & bruised lemongrass until fragrant.
Add in blended ingredients* and stir-fry until fragrant and dried up a bit.
Add in tomato/chili sauce, conflour paste, sugar, salt & some 1/2 cup water.
(Note: add salt as necessary depending on how salty the the salted eggs)
Once boiled, add in crabs and cover until it is done.
2. Add in salted egg and stir quickly to mix while the egg whites are thickening.
Add in tomato and cook further few more minutes.

Mmmmmm.... sedap nya lauk malam ni... Gandingan ketam masak cili dan telur masin amat menyelerakan. Telur masin yg Along guna tu tak berapa masin jadi rasa kuah nya sedang dan tidak terlalu masin. Yang best nya, ada telur masin yg kuning tu amat sedap di gandingkan dengan kuah ketam masak cili ni.

By: AlongRoz@HomeKreation
~500g Ketam
1 btg Serai
1/2 bj Bwg Besar - hiris
15-20 Cili Kering*
1/2 bj Bwg Besar*
1 cm Halia*
2-3 ulas Bwg Putih* (* blend dgn sedikit air) 
4 sb Sos Tomato
2-3 sb Sos Cili
2 st Gula

1 st Tepung Jagung (+ sedikit air) 
2 bj Telur Masin
1 bj Tomato - potong 

1. Panaskan sedikit minyak & tumis bawang besar hiris & serai yg di ketuk sehingga wangi.
Masukkan bahan2 yg di blend* sehingga wangi & kering sedikit.
Masukkan sos tomato/cili, tepung jagung, gula, garam & 1/2 cwn air.
(Nota: tambahan garam bergantung kpd kemasinan telur) 
Masukkan ketam apabila kuah mendidih.
Tutup sehingga ketam masak sepenuh nya.
2. Masukkan telur masin & kacau dgn cepat supaya telur putih bergaul rata.
Masukkan tomato & masak lagi sebentar sehingga tomato layu.

Tag : Asian, Food
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